Tuesday, May 29, 2012

June 8, 2012 Free E-Discovery Discovery Seminar and Luncheon for Paralegals and Legal Assistants

e-mail me at bmartinez@becker-poliakoff or to to https://www.browardbar.org/event06082012ediscoveryforparalegalslegalassistants.php to register. 
There are two presentations:

Karen Chamberlain and Robert Friedman, owners of Litigation Services, Legal Learning Series, LCC will speak about the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) . The EDRM was created to develop guidelines and standards for E-Discovery consumers and providers, EDRM has helped E-Discovery consumers and providers reduce the cost, time and manual work associated with e-discovery.
Damon Goduto, JD , from Iris Data, a national E-Discovery company. will discuss Technology Assisted Review (TAR).  TAR is a marketing term used in the  E-Discovery community to describe the process of automatic classification of documents (predictive coding) in a legal review. Similar documents are classified based on  specific terms and or phrases. Typical classifications include  "confidential " "privileged ", or  "responsive ".   In a recent groundbreaking case, Da Silva Moore v. Publicis Groupe et al. , Judge  Andrew Peck, ordered the parties to adopt a protocol for  E-Discovery that includes the use of predictive coding.  Ruling in this landmark case propels the use of predictive coding towards the mainstream.  
Broward County Bar Association . 1051 S.E. 3rd Avenue . Fort Lauderdale, FL . 33316 . 954.764.8040

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