Wednesday, May 30, 2012

June 6, 2012 E-Discovery Seminar Sponsored by Becker and Poliakoff and the Broward County Bar Association

 Presented by:  Becker & Poliakoff  
and the Broward County Bar Association Commercial Law Section  
DATE:            Wednesday, June 6, 2012
TIME:             8:30 am - 1:00 pm
LOCATION:  Broward County Bar Association  
 Norma B. Howard Center,   
 1051 SE Third Ave, Fort Lauderdale,   
COST:           $75.00 (includes 3 CLE credits)
 20% Discount to BCBA members
 use discount code LLS2012 

8:30am - 9:00am       Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00am - 10:30am
    The Anatomy of a Forensic Examination
Legal Practitioners Get it Wrong!   
Presented by Robert D. Moody, JD CISA CISM ACE, Forensic Data Services

10:30am - 12:15pm   A Byte Of Planning Can Save You A
                                       Gigabyte of Trouble - What legal professionals can  
                                       expect under the proposed new Florida e-Discovery
                                      State rules.
Presented by Perry Adair, Shareholder and Daniel DeSouza, attorney, Becker & Poliakoff 
12:15pm - 1:00pm      Question & Answer Session with the Panel

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

June 8, 2012 Free E-Discovery Discovery Seminar and Luncheon for Paralegals and Legal Assistants

e-mail me at bmartinez@becker-poliakoff or to to to register. 
There are two presentations:

Karen Chamberlain and Robert Friedman, owners of Litigation Services, Legal Learning Series, LCC will speak about the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) . The EDRM was created to develop guidelines and standards for E-Discovery consumers and providers, EDRM has helped E-Discovery consumers and providers reduce the cost, time and manual work associated with e-discovery.
Damon Goduto, JD , from Iris Data, a national E-Discovery company. will discuss Technology Assisted Review (TAR).  TAR is a marketing term used in the  E-Discovery community to describe the process of automatic classification of documents (predictive coding) in a legal review. Similar documents are classified based on  specific terms and or phrases. Typical classifications include  "confidential " "privileged ", or  "responsive ".   In a recent groundbreaking case, Da Silva Moore v. Publicis Groupe et al. , Judge  Andrew Peck, ordered the parties to adopt a protocol for  E-Discovery that includes the use of predictive coding.  Ruling in this landmark case propels the use of predictive coding towards the mainstream.  
Broward County Bar Association . 1051 S.E. 3rd Avenue . Fort Lauderdale, FL . 33316 . 954.764.8040

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Rockers In Recovery Annual Memorial Day Picnic / Concert honoring Drug Court with Guest of Honor Judge Gisele Pollack may 26, 2012

On May 17, 2012, the Paralegal Section of the Broward County Bar Association presented its first CLE event:  "Update on
Drug Court
."   The Event was moderated by Belinda Martinez, Legal Assistant at Becker & Poliakoff and Section Chair for the Broward County Bar Association's Paralegal Section.  The Event was sponsored by Inspirations for Youth and Families Teen Treatment Program.  Attendees received 2.0 CLE credits and Lunch.  Not only did the event exceed capacity attendance, attendees were treated to a Celebrity in the House - Richie Supra, an American songwriter and guitarist best known for his work with Aerosmith and Richie Sambora.  Broward County Commissioner Ilene Lieberman was also in attendance.   
The Honorable Louis Schiff spoke regarding “Teen
Tobacco Court
”.  Teens attending Tobacco Court can plead not guilty and go to trial or plead guilty or no contest, pay a total of $75 out of their own pockets and go to a Saturday class called Quitters Are Winners, which emphasizes the danger of tobacco use. Those who don't show up for Court or fail to complete the requirements, will have their licenses suspended.  Judge Schiff calls Teen Tobacco Court “a true labor of love”.  Drug Court Manager Gary Hilko’s educational lecture on Drug Court was outstanding.  The current success rate for offenders participating in the Drug Court program is 70%; which is well above the current statewide average success rate of 56%.  As Judge Marcia Bench reiterated
in her presentation,
Drug Court
is a successful alternative program.  Speaking of labor of love, Judge Gisele Pollack spoke regarding
Misdemeanor Drug Court, her "baby". 
Judge Pollack created this Court seven years ago.  It was initially a one year test program.  Success from the very start of the program is credited for its longevity.   Lt.  
Patrick Hart of the Fort Lauderdale Police Department, filled us in on what is happening locally regarding drug trafficking. Lt. Hart also spoke regarding human trafficking, a side trade to drug trafficking, and a timely topic.   
Presenter John Hollis, founder of Rockers in Recovery, told his story of drug addiction and getting clean, and creating Rockers in Recovery.   Community events are the cornerstone of Rockers in Recovery, proving you can work hard at your recovery and have some fun along the way.  Judge Gisele Pollack is the Guest of Honor at this year's Rockers in Recovery’s annual Memorial Picnic Concert May 26, 2012.  Visit Rockers in Recovery website at to learn of upcoming events.   
Dr.  James Hughes of Inspirations, Inc. spoke about various drugs and dangers tempting our youth and methods of treatment for addicted / troubled teens and their families.   Emphasis is put on helping the teen and family establish recovery and learn the life skills necessary for the teen reach personal goals, academic goals, gain the insight and ability to hold one’s self accountable for decisions and actions, as well as capable of making appropriate choices, living a life without drugs or alcohol impairment. Learn more at  Special thanks and honors to these truly remarkable people who do so much for our community.  


We have two great speakers for  on the topic of e-discovery. Karen Chamberlain and Robert Friedman owner of Litigation Services, Legal Learning Series will be providing 1 CLE on the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) and giving our attendees a good idea of all the facets involved with eDisc. The 2nd presenter, will be provided by Iris Data, a national eDisc co. who will have a thought leader from their org to discuss Technology Assisted Review (TAR). This is the most cutting edge and controversial innovation in eDisc where the machines are starting to replace the humans.   E-mail Belinda at

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Paralegal CLE Event May 17, 2012 Drug Court Update

Richie Supa, Jim Hollis, Dr. James Hughes, Rhoda Sokoloff, Esq.

On May 17, 2012, the Paralegal Section presented its first CLE event:  Update on
Drug Court
.   The Event was sponsored by Inspirations for Youth and Families Teen Treatment Program and attendees received 2.0 CLE credits.  
Not only did we have a full house, attendees, were treated to a “Celebrity in the House”  Richie Supra, an American songwriter and guitarist best known for his work with Aerosmith and Richie Sambora.  County Commissioner Ilene Lieberman was also in attendance.  The Honorable Louis Schiff spoke regarding his special court: 
Tobacco Court
”, which educates young people and adults regarding Tobacco.  As he said:  “a true labor of love”.  Gary Hilko’s, Drug Court Manager, educational lecture was outstanding.  The current success rate for offenders participating in the program is 70%; which is well above the current statewide average success rate of 56%.  As Judge Maria Bench reiterated
in her presentation,
Drug Court
is a successful alternative program.  Speaking of labor of love, Judge Gisele Pollack spoke regarding
Misdemeanor Drug Court
, which Judge Pollack created seven years ago.  It was initially a one year test program.  Success of the program is credited for its longevity.  Lt. Patrick Hart of the Fort Lauderdale Police Department, filled us in on what is happening locally regarding drug trafficking. Lt. Hart also spoke regarding human trafficking which a side trade to drug trafficking. And then John Hollis of Rockers in Recovery told his story of drug addiction and getting clean, and creating Rockers in Recovery.  Judge Pollack is the honored guest at Rockers in Recovery’s annual Memorial Picnic this year.  Dr.  James Hughes of Inspirations, Inc. spoke about various drugs and dangers tempting our youth and methods of treatment for addicted / troubled teens.  Special thanks and honors to these truly remarkable people who do so much for our community.  

Belinda Martinez, Judge Gisele Pollack, Judge Marcia Beach

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Time Drawing Near for the 57th US Presidential Election.

Hard to believe but it is just aroung the corner.  The United States presidential election of 2012 is the next United States presidential election, to be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2012. It will be the 57th quadrennial presidential election in which presidential electors, who will actually elect the President and the Vice President of the United States on December 17, 2012, will be chosen. Incumbent President Barack Obama is running for a second and final term during this election.  His former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.

President Obama's Campaign Slogan:  "Forward". 
Mitt Romney's Campaign Slogan:  "Believe in America".

Campaign slogans of our Past Presidents. 
1840 William Henry Harrison  Tippecanoe and Tyler Too
1844 James K. Polk 54-40 or fight
1844 James K. Polk Reannexation of Texas and reoccupation of Oregon
1844 Henry Clay Who is James K. Polk?
1848 Zachary Taylor For President of the People
1856 John C. Fremont Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Speech, Free Men, and Fremont
1860 Abraham Lincoln Vote Yourself a Farm
1864 Abraham Lincoln Don't swap horses in the middle of the stream
1884 Grover Cleveland Blaine, Blaine, James G. Blaine, The Continental Liar from the State of Maine
1884 James Blaine Ma, Ma, Where’s my Pa, Gone to the White House, Ha, Ha, Ha
1888 Benjamin Harrison Rejuvenated Republicanism
1896 William McKinley Patriotism, Protection, and Prosperity
1900 William McKinley A Full Dinner Pail
1916 Woodrow Wilson He kept us out of war
1920 Warren G. Harding Return to normalcy
1920 Warren G. Harding Cox and Cocktails
1924 Calvin Coolidge Keep cool with Coolidge
1928 Herbert Hoover A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage
1952 Dwight Eisenhower I Like Ike
1956 Dwight Eisenhower Peace and Prosperity
1960 Richard Nixon For the future
1964 Lyndon B. Johnson  The stakes are too high for you to stay at home 
1964 Barry Goldwater In your heart you know he’s right
1968 Richard Nixon Nixon's the One
1976 Gerald Ford He’s making us proud again
1976 Jimmy Carter Not Just Peanuts
1976 Jimmy Carter A Leader, For a Change
1980 Ronald Reagan  Are you better off than you were four years ago?
1984 Ronald Reagan  It’s morning again in America 
1984 Walter Mondale America Needs a Change
1988 George Bush Kinder, Gentler Nation 
1992 Bill Clinton Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow 
1992 Bill Clinton Putting People First
1992 Ross Perot Ross for Boss
1996 Bill Clinton Building a bridge to the 21st century
1996 Bob Dole The Better Man for a Better America
2000 Al Gore Prosperity and progress
2000 Al Gore Prosperity for America's families
2000 George W. Bush Compassionate conservatism
2000 George W. Bush Leave no child behind
2000 George W. Bush Real plans for real people
2000 George W. Bush Reformer with results
2000 Ralph Nader Government of, by, and for the people...not the monied interests
2004 John Kerry Let America be America Again
2004 George W. Bush Yes, America Can!
2008 John McCain Country First
2008 Barack Obama Change We Can Believe In
2008 Barack Obama Change We Need
2008 Barack Obama Hope
2008 Barack Obama Yes We Can!