Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Rockers In Recovery Annual Memorial Day Picnic / Concert honoring Drug Court with Guest of Honor Judge Gisele Pollack may 26, 2012

On May 17, 2012, the Paralegal Section of the Broward County Bar Association presented its first CLE event:  "Update on
Drug Court
."   The Event was moderated by Belinda Martinez, Legal Assistant at Becker & Poliakoff and Section Chair for the Broward County Bar Association's Paralegal Section.  The Event was sponsored by Inspirations for Youth and Families Teen Treatment Program.  Attendees received 2.0 CLE credits and Lunch.  Not only did the event exceed capacity attendance, attendees were treated to a Celebrity in the House - Richie Supra, an American songwriter and guitarist best known for his work with Aerosmith and Richie Sambora.  Broward County Commissioner Ilene Lieberman was also in attendance.   
The Honorable Louis Schiff spoke regarding “Teen
Tobacco Court
”.  Teens attending Tobacco Court can plead not guilty and go to trial or plead guilty or no contest, pay a total of $75 out of their own pockets and go to a Saturday class called Quitters Are Winners, which emphasizes the danger of tobacco use. Those who don't show up for Court or fail to complete the requirements, will have their licenses suspended.  Judge Schiff calls Teen Tobacco Court “a true labor of love”.  Drug Court Manager Gary Hilko’s educational lecture on Drug Court was outstanding.  The current success rate for offenders participating in the Drug Court program is 70%; which is well above the current statewide average success rate of 56%.  As Judge Marcia Bench reiterated
in her presentation,
Drug Court
is a successful alternative program.  Speaking of labor of love, Judge Gisele Pollack spoke regarding
Misdemeanor Drug Court, her "baby". 
Judge Pollack created this Court seven years ago.  It was initially a one year test program.  Success from the very start of the program is credited for its longevity.   Lt.  
Patrick Hart of the Fort Lauderdale Police Department, filled us in on what is happening locally regarding drug trafficking. Lt. Hart also spoke regarding human trafficking, a side trade to drug trafficking, and a timely topic.   
Presenter John Hollis, founder of Rockers in Recovery, told his story of drug addiction and getting clean, and creating Rockers in Recovery.   Community events are the cornerstone of Rockers in Recovery, proving you can work hard at your recovery and have some fun along the way.  Judge Gisele Pollack is the Guest of Honor at this year's Rockers in Recovery’s annual Memorial Picnic Concert May 26, 2012.  Visit Rockers in Recovery website at to learn of upcoming events.   
Dr.  James Hughes of Inspirations, Inc. spoke about various drugs and dangers tempting our youth and methods of treatment for addicted / troubled teens and their families.   Emphasis is put on helping the teen and family establish recovery and learn the life skills necessary for the teen reach personal goals, academic goals, gain the insight and ability to hold one’s self accountable for decisions and actions, as well as capable of making appropriate choices, living a life without drugs or alcohol impairment. Learn more at  Special thanks and honors to these truly remarkable people who do so much for our community.  

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