Friday, April 20, 2012

Broward County Bar Association Paralegal Section Presents CLE Luncheon May 17, 2012

Back row: Judge Giselle Pollack, Mickey Rocque, Senator Nan Rich,
 Judge Marcia Beach. Front row: Gary Hilko, Judge Melanie May

Broward County Bar Association Paralegal Section Presents:   
CLE Luncheon featuring Gary Hilko from Drug  Court .   
1.5 CLE Credit.   
Lunch is being provided by  Inspirations for Youth and Families Teen Treatment Program
May 17, 2012:  12:00 to 2:00
Broward County Bar Association . 1051 S.E. 3rd Avenue . Fort Lauderdale, FL . 33316 . 954.764.8040 
Cost is free.

Main CLE Speaker: 
Gary T. Hilko
Drug Court Manager   
Sr. Deputy Court Administrator

Mr. Hilko will speak on the following subjects :   Introduction to Drug Court, Description of different Drug Court Tracks, Pre-Trial Intervention (PTI) Track, Expanding PTI Track, Post Adjudicatory Track, Description of Treatment for the Tracks, Procedure for entry to Drug Court tracks and will have a question and answer period. 

 Special guest speakers: 

Lieutenant Patrick Hart  Special Investigation Division
Ft. Lauderdale Police Department

Lieutentant Patrick Hart will speak regarding the Fort Lauderdale  Police  Department and what the  Department is doing with regard to illegal drug trafficing.


John Hollis  Founder of Rockers in Recovery

Mr. Hollis will speak regarding Rockers in Recovery upcoming free concert (May 26) honoring Drug Court and Drug Court graduates.

The event is being underwritten by: Dov Friedman of
Inspirations for Youth and Families, LLC.

Mr. Friedman will speak regarding Inspirations for Youth and Families Teen Treatment Program.  

This event is limited to 40 attendees so that there will be more interaction between the panel and the participants.