Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Broward County Juvenile Court Update February 1, 2013

Broward County Juvenile Court
The Broward County Bar Association's Paralegal Section is presenting its first CLE of the year - Juvenile Court Update.  

Our topic speaker is Maria M. Schneider, an Assistant State Attorney for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit, Broward County, Florida, and has been a prosecutor since 1993.  Since 1999, she has served as the Assistant State Attorney in Charge of the Juvenile Division.  

Ms. Schneider received her Juris Doctorate from the Nova University Law Center, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and her Bachelor of Arts degree from Florida International University, in Miami, Florida.  She is a member of the Florida Bar.  

Ms. Schneider’s professional activities include membership in the Florida Bar Juvenile Rules Committee and was vice-chair of the delinquency section of said committee 2003-2004.  Over the last 14 years Ms. Schneider has been involved in training and lecturing for the Florida Prosecuting Attorney’s Association regarding juvenile delinquency issues, trial advocacy and the prosecution of sex crimes and child abuse cases and received the Distinguished Faculty award in 2003 in recognition for her service to prosecutorial education.  Since 2001 Ms. Schneider has participated as a faculty member at the National Advocacy Center located at the University of South Carolina, in Columbia, S.C. as well as at a number of regional seminars sponsored by the National Prosecuting Attorney’s Association across the country focusing on trial advocacy.  She lectures for locally regarding juvenile law issues at the Police Academy, for the Attorney General’s Office, and for the Florida Association of School Resource Officer’s.  She has also served as a faculty member for the intensive trial advocacy seminar offered at Nova Southeastern University Center for the Study of Law, as well as at trial advocacy seminars sponsored by the National Institute of Trial Advocacy at N.S.U.  Ms. Schneider is an adjunct professor at Nova Southeastern University and Florida Atlantic University where she teaches various criminal justice courses.

Ms. Schneider’s civic activities have included membership in the Hispanic Bar Association of Broward County where she was recognized for her outstanding service to the community in 2009,  the Cuban American Bar Association, and she is currently a member of the Broward County  Juvenile Justice board, the Broward County Regional Juvenile Detention Center Advisory Board, the Diversion Coalition, the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative, and sits on the Board of Directors for Partner’s in Education, a non-profit organization that links businesses with schools to create partnerships that increase and improve the learning experiences of our public school students.    Ms. Schneider has also been involved with the Georgetown Project, a local initiative working to improve processing of cases involving youth involved in both the delinquency and dependency systems and was part of the MacArthur Foundation’s Juvenile Indigent Defense Action Network. In 2012 Ms. Schneider was appointed by Governor Scott to sit on the Board of Directors of the Broward Children’s Services Council  

Past activities have included membership in the Multi Agency Gang Task Force steering committee, the Gang Free Communities G.A.N.G. program from 2002 to 2004, the Juvenile Intake Facility Operational Assessment Workgroup,  and sat on the Board of Directors of Communities in Schools, Inc., a national non-profit organization dedicated to providing enhanced educational resources and health and human services to targeted at-risk students in the public school system from 2000 to 2009.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

November 9 2012 2012 eDiscovery Leadership Conference

Presented by the Legal Learning Series.  To Register, Go to


2012 eDiscovery Leadership Conference


8:00 – 8:30 am - Registration & Continental Breakfast with Exhibitors in Networking Lounge

8:30– 9:00 am
- Opening Remarks and Introductions

9:00 - 10:00 am - Size matters….. How the heck do we review all of this stuff?

10:00 - 10:30 am - Networking Break in the Network Lounge

10:30 - 11:30 am - PANEL DISCUSSION: How Not to Screw Up: Being Competent and Diligent in the Information Age (Ethics CLE)

11:45 - 12:45 pm - eDiscovery: A Byte of Planning Can Save You A Gigabyte of Trouble - What legal professionals can expect under the Florida eDiscovery Rules of Civil Procedure

PERRY ADAIR and DANIEL DeSOUZA (Becker & Poliakoff)

12:50 - 2:00 pm - Lunch with Presentation: Manage eDiscovery In-House or Out-Sourcing
RICH COHEN (RenewData)

2:00 - 3:00 pm - "Ay Dios Mio" vs "OMG"!! Latin American eDiscovery issues for U.S. Cases
AL LINDSAY (Hogan Lovells)

3:00 – 3:30 pm - Sweets and Treats with Sponsors in Networking Lounge

3:30 - 4:30 pm - PANEL DISCUSSION: THINKING OUTSIDE OF THE BOX … FIRM Issues: Panel of Litigation Support Managers discussion on the Litigation Team, Planning and Pitfalls
DAVID HANCOCK (Akerman) JEFF HAJNY (Berger Singerman) CHRISTY VALDES (Hogan Lovells), DAWN ROBINSON (Carlton Fields) and STEPHEN THACKER (KROLL OnTrack)

4:30 - 5:30 pm - Using ESI in Tort Cases - When do we call in a Mediator for eDiscovery Issues
PATRICK MONTOYA (Colson Hicks), VICTORIA BRIEANT, ESQ (eDiscovery Mediator)

5:30 - 7:00 pm - Closing and Cocktail Reception with Sponsors in Networking Lounge

Thursday, November 1, 2012

South Broward Bar Association

17th Circuit Chief Judge Peter Weinstein
at the November 1, 2012 SBBA Luncheon

The South Broward Bar Association welcomes attorneys, judges, paralegals, law students, and businesses affiliated with the legal profession to join our organization. If you're interested in the educational and networking opportunities the SBBA provides and becoming more involved in the Broward County legal community, we welcome you to attend one of our events and learn more about the SBBA.

The SBBA holds monthly luncheon meetings on the first Thursday of every month at 12:00 at Tropical Acres Restaurant, (Meeting Room) located at 2500 Griffin Road in Ft. Lauderdale. You'll be eligible to earn CLE credits at no additional cost to your membership, meet judges in an informal setting, and network with numerous local attorneys. SBBA members receive discounted admission prices at our seminars and social events.